As a business or individual, if you realize you are being ripped off by your bank or forex transfer provider, or if you are still having to stand in queues, or you are having to submit reams of paperwork, and you don't have ability to negotiate a market-related rate, then it is likely that your current forex relationship is costing you plenty in money, time and frustration.
Is this tailored for businesses or individuals?
We have got you covered for both.
We have set up special arrangements that would suit both - from businesses with Rand Exposures of any size (including spot & forward cover facility/options), down to individuals using their R1m Investment Allowance - and everything in between.
We have negotiated arrangements specifically for our clients to open up zero-cost facilities with forex providers that are not the traditional big banks. They are focused on this as their dedicated business, and are driven to provide a superior service with excellent rates.
Your account can be up and running within 24 hours and you can start handling your exchange and/or transfer of funds offshore or foreign funds in to SA. For individuals, we can also organize a free tax clearance applications to SARS.